Ah, here we have it – another example of “second child syndrome” – totally missing Emilia’s three month update! Ha. I searched for it when I started writing this post, then realized I just forgot to post one, something I would never have done with Isla. Alas, today’s post is a combined ‘happy three-and-four-month-iversary’ to Miss Emilia. Which reminds me… I really should start her baby book! Ha.

First, I’m sharing what she was up to at three months, plus some of my favorite photos from that point. Below that, I have her four month update and some more recent photos. For comparison, you can read her previous updates and what Isla was up to at the same age! In some photos, I think they look so similar, and in others, I don’t even think they look related! 

Emi at One Month | Emi at Two Months // Isla at Three Months | Isla at Four Months

Emi at Three Months 

Emi turned three months on the same day that one of my best friends, Georgia, got married. By three months, Miss Emilia was rolling from her tummy to her back consistently, and Isla would make her do that trick over and over and over again. It wasn’t until the next month that she consistently went from her back to her stomach. She was in the 90th percentile for weight and height at her three month checkup, but down to 50th percentile for weight by four months and 86th percentile for height (head circumference is high too, because both Sasha and I have massive heads! Ha!). 

By three months, Emi had began to laugh, and my mom was the person who was able to get giggles the easiest. She went on her second road trip, this time to San Antonio, then to Austin and back to Houston. She slept the entire time we were in the car, fortunately! She loved to go on runs with me, and will just sleep in the carseat which is on the BOB Dualie stroller we use. She is the queen of blowouts, but they’re becoming fewer as the days go by. 

Below are some of my favorite photos of Miss Emilia between two and three months (keep reading for the four month update!):


Emi at Four Months

Emilia turned four months old yesterday. It is such a fun age! She is a giggle monster, especially when I kiss her cheeks and neck. She is quick to stop smiling whenever a camera is pointed towards her though! She loves to nap during the day. Her schedule is normally: eat for ten minutes, awake for 30-45 minutes, then sleep for 2 hours. If she’s snuggled on me in my Solly Wrap, she will sleep for even longer. At night, she is a very light sleeper who makes so many noises – when we get back to Houston, I’ll move her into her nursery so that I don’t wake up every time she makes dream sounds! She goes down for the night around 9pm, and after eating around 6am, she wants to go back to sleep until 10am normally. This works while we’re here in Colorado, but doesn’t happen easily when we’ve got more going on in  Houston. 

She coos all day and is much more vocal than Isla ever was. She’s got a tinge of red in her hair and eyebrows and I’m so curious to see what color her hair ends up being! We watched a movie with Jessica Chastain yesterday, and I would love her to have that color of hair! We’ll see soon, I’m sure. She went swimming for the first time this month and flew in two airplanes on the way to Durango. She loves to be standing upright and adores baby dolls. She is now taking a pacifier consistently, thank goodness! She rarely is given a bottle, but will drink one quite happily. I was away from her for five hours last week, which is the longest we’ve ever been apart since she was born! By this age, we had already left Isla with my parents to go to Mexico City for a wedding. Second baby is being coddled! Emilia is the calm to Isla’s storm (of excited energy), and she is a perfect addition to our family.

Below are some of my favorite photos of Miss Emilia between three and four months:


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