Happy Monday! We flew back to Houston two weeks ago, then had a weird off-week trying to get back into the swing of things, then the girls’ school was canceled (and the whole city basically shut down) for two ice days last week, so I am praying that this week we can get back into a routine. Holidays + Durango + ice days = chaos for the last 6 weeks, and I’m such a routine person. I need some order restored to my life.

To make matters a smidgen worse, my hardrive that houses every single photo I’ve taken since 2010 broke on our last day in Durango, so I have been in a funk about that. I’m working on temporary drives while trying to restore it (finally taking it to a new place tomorrow), so I haven’t been taking too many pics as a result. With that said, there are quite a few below! This weekend was so fun – we saw some of our best friends, bounced a trampoline park, ate dinner with our families, and took birthday photos for Emi.

Cheers to the start of a good week and hopefully some normalcy! Ha. 

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