


Father’s Day Gift Guide

As a big daddy’s girl, I love Father’s Day so much. This year, it will be extra special for me, as this will be the first time that I celebrate my own daughter’s dad versus just my own. I started doing research for gifts the day before I went into labor, so have frantically been looking to finalize my purchase now that I’m home. With less than a week to go, I’ve ordered Sasha two little things to commemorate his first Father’s Day. I put together a list of some top contenders. What are you buying this year for your dad?

PS Happy 33rd birthday to Sasha! Less than one week after Isla’s!

1. iGrill // 2. MeUndies // 3. Dad’s Playbook // 4. GQ Magazine Subscription // 5. Basis Watch // 6. Happy Socks