


Life in Durango & Isla’s Two Month Anniversary

Our first week in Durango was very go-go-go. We’ve gotten into more of a routine by the point, which helps this feel more like home. We’ve established local restaurant favorites – Himalayan Kitchen, Grassburger, Durango Coffee Company, and Cream Bean Berry – and had a schedule for exercise, feeding, sleeping, “working,” etc. Isla is growing by the second – I wish we knew her exact weight, because I feel like she’s doubled in size in the last 8 weeks. She celebrated her two month anniversary on Monday, August 4. I cannot believe it. She is super smiley, gurgles all day long, wants to be “standing” all the time, still spits up everywhere after eating (see bottom photo), does not enjoy tummy time except for the first 1-2 minutes, and is very used to having a camera in her face. Isla’s gassiness is much better now that I’ve cut out all dairy (i.e. become a vegan – ohmygosh I miss cheese!). Her (okay, my) favorite books are Snuggle Puppy and Oh Baby, Go Baby. She is finally getting used to taking a bottle, but I am not a huge fan of pumping! Isla went on her first hike and slept through the entire adventure (typical!). She loves, and I mean loves, sleeping in the BabyBjorn carrier. We are doing CIO (ah!) and had her fall asleep without a peep the last two nights (praying it stays that way!). We’re still learning lots and lots every day. We love her to pieces.

I put together two short videos: here and here

Lastly, the Trumpette giveaway winner is Caron B! Congratulations!

Isla Week 2 and 3

Sasha’s special feeding time // Bloomers by Baby Grace // Happy little Isla


Mesmerized by the sun – I need to get her in some shades quickly

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It’s hard to tell, but that onesie was covered in spit up minutes before these photos were taken


Finally taking a bottle – this is a huge accomplishment and relief to me after much resistance

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Sleepy girl in my favorite J. Crew onesie // Working on tummy time // Her signature Zoolander look


Our first baby is loving Colorado (perhaps the most!)

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After every feeding, Sasha tries to teach Isla to stand – he seems to think this is a requirement at 2 months… crazy man


If Sasha wakes up first, Isla will be wearing her UT onesie


Sasha’s dad drove from Texas (16 hours) for TWO days!


Getting ready for a MAM pacifier giveaway (coming soon!)


I love Baby Gap so much – this dress is one of my favorites


Two months already? How is this happening?


This face is a regular


I couldn’t get enough as you can tell!


Little Miss-chievous Isla


Working hard on that tummy time


Some iPhone snapshots

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Braving dinners out on the town with this little unpredictable one – Grassburger is our favorite

Isla Week 2 and 3_6Sasha’s hardcore strength training is beginning to work // And that is his repayment // My favorite face in the world