


Week 4 in Durango

We have almost been in Durango for a month, and time is literally flying by, which is giving me anxiety. I am not ready to return to Houston, although I would give anything to hug my friends and family. In the past week, we have seen multiple deer lingering in our yard and our neighbors, taken (almost) daily walks to the local handcrafted ice cream shop – Cream Bean Berry, gone on 2-mi. morning walks with the beautiful crisp air, finished Photo 101, started Floral Arranging 101, and learning so much in Illustrator 101. We also visited Sutcliffe Vineyards, ate at Carver’s Brewery (dying over their veggie burger), and  Sasha’s mom, her friend, my sister, and her boyfriend all visited. It was a busy week, but we enjoyed every second of it. One of my best friends arrives next week with her baby, Lillian, who was born 26 days after Isla. I cannot wait!


Isla’s Baby Gap romper – love that bow at the waist (similar here)


Daily walks to the Animas River with the whole family are the highlight of my day


Jill is already one strike down on the babysitting tally (re: drinking and holding)! // Dinner at Grassburger happens far too often


This is the face she makes when she is gurgling – totally purses her little lips (more of this outfit here)


Isla loves to fist pump in her Gap Star Bubble Bodysuit (now on sale!)


My hair is now in constant pony tails because she loves to grab things – like her dad’s Serbian Orthodox chain necklace

Pattern play in her Carter’s top, Baby Gap striped pants and Trumpette socks

Hanging out on one of her Mimi’s colorful quilts

photo 4 (8)

Belle is in heaven


Straight CHEESIN’ – in her J. Crew tank in flower patch and Baby Gap shorts


I couldn’t love her any more


Going on a walk in my J. Crew tank (I live in these), Nordstrom fedora (similar) and Chloe sunglasses (similar) – Isla’s Baby Gap hat looks like a mushroom here!


Ready to play fetch


Practicing standing with her Tata


One happy little patriotic sailor


I want this Janie and Jack romper for myself! I love the bow on the back

Highlights of Week One in Durango

We’ve been in Durango for just over a week now, and we are loving it. Sasha said to me yesterday, “You realize the most important and stressful decision we make all day is what we’re going to eat for dinner.” I laughed – but it’s true. We go on about four to five walks a day, as my parents live within 5 minutes of the grocery store, Main Street where all of the restaurants and shops are, Animas River, and mountain trails. My Nike Fuel Band is back in action! I wrote a Durango Travel Guide post last year, but I definitely have to update it after trying many new restaurants, juice bars and ice cream shops. I’ve put together an assortment of photos from our first week – as you can tell, I’ve been very trigger happy as of late.

What are your summer plans?

PS Happy birthday, Mum and Karine!


Isla flew from Houston to Denver to Durango and slept through every second of it (thank you, Lord!)


Walking to Durango Joe’s for morning coffee with the whole Petrovic family


Hiking and biking (while the grandparents were here to babysit!)


I finally found a bow that is semi-appropriately sized for a newborn – and a tutu dress from my sweet co-workers!


Celebrating our one year anniversary — with dinner and on a raft!


My favorite bow romper from Paola (I love Janie and Jack!) and our romantic rooftop anniversary dinner


Staring at that face all day and praying she always wants to hold my hand


Geared up for a day on the water (another Paola gift!) and a wet pup from lots of Animas River swimming


Isla’s new nap place – the BabyBjorn – and a tired tanner in her Baby Gap swimsuit from Erin


Navajo State Park adventures with the whole family (Isla slept through the entire experience)


A sneak peak of Isla’s newborn photos from Taylor Lord and I’ve finally sent all of the birth announcements!


Father-daughter bonding moments that make me heart melt


Hamming it up – and wearing her UT apparel! Girl’s gonna be a Longhorn fan, for sure

Our Durango Adventure

large copyI learned two of my favorite quotes from my American Literature course at The University of Texas at Austin. Both relate to nature (such a treehugger!). I posted the Thoreau quote here. The other one is a quote of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s: “Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path, and leave a trail.” I love the thought of creating your own path in life – taking unexpected turns and making ad hoc decisions. Cue the decision for Sasha and I to move to Durango, Colorado for 8 weeks. We tossed around the idea one day while walking our dog (pre-Isla) and sort of said, “why not?” Sasha put in his two weeks at work this week, and I’m taking maternity leave until mid-September – our adventure will start in two weeks, after Sasha finishes his capstone assignment in Austin. I am so excited. Our days will involve hikes, bikes, walks, playing horse shoe, reading on the patio, walking along Main Street, and letting Isla become “one with nature” (ha). I’ve never been so ready for an adventure in my life! I’m ready to leave our trail.

You can read my Durango travel guide here

Pictures from my sister’s wedding weekend in Durango here

I Went to the Woods


One of my favorite quotes ever is from Thoreau’s Walden, which I studied in great detail during my American Literature class at The University of Texas at Austin. The theme of solitude and oneness with nature is evident throughout this literary classic, and whenever people talk about the forests or woods, the entire quote plays out in my head:

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.

Sasha and I are heading to my parent’s house in Durango, Colorado today for an extended Labor Day weekend. I cannot wait to go hiking, rafting, and exploring in this gorgeous town. I hope to come back much more relaxed than I am in my current work state!

Photo via Fourth Lake