
New Year Resolutions


Comparison is the Thief of Joy


Every day in January, ClassPass is sharing a new blog post written by a blogger in one of their 20 cities (see all posts here). From setting attainable goals to success stories, recipes and fun stories – these posts are providing readers all the tools needed to make 2015 your happiest year yet. This is a part of their New Year’s challenge: Blogging for a Happier New Year. 

I am honored to be featured on the ClassPass blog. My post was shared yesterday and is titled: “How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others and Be Happy as YOU!” I was inspired by the Teddy Roosevelt quote that I kept seeing over and over again on Instagram – “Comparison is the thief of joy.” I hope you enjoy reading! I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

Day-27-640x437Nowadays, we have constant visibility into other people’s seemingly glamorous lives with sources like Facebook, Instagram and reality television. We are bombarded with photographs of perfect-looking people doing exciting things, like drinking champagne on the beach while wearing beautiful designer swimsuits and showing off their flawless bodies.