


Isla’s Birth Gift: Pearls

For the month leading up to Isla’s birth, Sasha asked me what I wanted for a ‘push present.’ I thought the idea of gifting your wife for delivering your child seemed kind of bizarre – it’s not like men have the option! I told him time and time again (semi-jokingly) that I wanted this elephant from Baby & Child. He refused.

After Isla was born (and the chaos died down), Sasha handed me a small jewelry box and explained that this gift was to commemorate this special moment (not a ‘thank you’). I opened the box and started crying – my first set of pearl earrings. Isla was born on June 4, and her birthstone is pearl. I love them so much and have literally worn them every day since she was born (13 to be exact).

What are your thoughts on push presents?
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Father’s Day Gift Guide

As a big daddy’s girl, I love Father’s Day so much. This year, it will be extra special for me, as this will be the first time that I celebrate my own daughter’s dad versus just my own. I started doing research for gifts the day before I went into labor, so have frantically been looking to finalize my purchase now that I’m home. With less than a week to go, I’ve ordered Sasha two little things to commemorate his first Father’s Day. I put together a list of some top contenders. What are you buying this year for your dad?

PS Happy 33rd birthday to Sasha! Less than one week after Isla’s!

1. iGrill // 2. MeUndies // 3. Dad’s Playbook // 4. GQ Magazine Subscription // 5. Basis Watch // 6. Happy Socks

Red, White and Blue at Baby Gap

I absolutely love Baby Gap. Their selection of infant clothing is so irresistibly cute, so imagine my excitement when I got a gift card to Gap as part of a recent baby present – especially given their adorable selection of red, white and blue items. My mind skips right ahead to July Fourth… what shall she wear? I am quite aware that dressing up babies is more fun before she is here and making a mess out of everything, but I’m rather in love with clothing, so hope she will (eventually) be too! I put together a few patriotic get-ups using some of the their new arrivals. I love the hats! I’ve already bought her a few. The little chambray espadrilles melt my heart.

Sasha, you’re in trouble (wink, wink).


Outfit 1: Hat // Onesie // Shorts // Shoes

Outfit 2: Hat // Cardigan // Romper // Sandals

Outfit 3: Hat // Shirt // Pants // Espadrilles

Outfit 4: Hat // Dress // Leggings // Shoes

The Countdown: 39 Weeks

Yesterday marked my 39th week of pregnancy. Part of me feels like it was just yesterday that I announced our good news – the other part feels like I’ve been pregnant for the last 3 years. I started my maternity leave today, and instead of laying back and putting my feet up, I’ve planned a day filled with visiting my parents and friends (this sweet girl!), doing a few returns, going to the post office (finally changing my name on my social security card!), buying a birthday gift for my mother-in-law, writing a few last ‘thank you’s,’ and meeting a potential nanny (so excited!). I am so anxious to meet Isla, but definitely feel like I need a few days to catch-up on life before she arrives. Given my mom’s history (two babies that were 14 days late and one that was 18 days late), I don’t have my hopes up that she will arrive on June 4, but we’ll see! The longer she waits, the more time I have to address all 100 baby announcement envelopes.


    • Agreeing on her name and announcing it!
    • My three baby showers (mom’s friends, my friends, and work friends)
    • Finishing Isla’s nursery
    • Listening to her heart beat at our first ultrasound
    • Designing and doing a few samples of Isla’s birth announcement
    • Buying her first piece of clothing while on our honeymoon in Bali
    • Feeling a kick for the first time
    • When the cashier at Home Depot asked me how far along (first public acknowledgement!)
    • Adding Isla to our “family song” (yes, Sasha and I have one that we sing every day)
    • Listening to Sasha talk to her at night

One of the most difficult adjustments in pregnancy is the growing belly. It’s funny to look back at, say… week 29, because at this point, I feel like I was still really small, but at the time, you’re like WHOA baby is really growing. People claim you miss your belly post-delivery, but I’m not sure I believe that. I have serious pains in my stomach right now from what feels like my ab muscles being torn apart. As mentioned here, I have bought the Belly Bandit and Wink Compression Girdle to get back in shape afterwards.

We decided not to do maternity pictures for a number of reasons, but I did snap a photo every Wednesday to mark each week off (Note: If I looked like Cara Loren or Amber Fillerup Clark, I definitely would have!). Most are taken in our closet mirror in my workout clothes before the gym, so they’re not cute selfies, but I’m still glad I did this to see the progression over time.

Baby bump pictures by week:



39 weeks and one day down… please, please, Isla – don’t make us wait too much longer!


featured image via

5 Ingredient Raw Vegan Brownies

I am not a baker. But seriously, every vegan dessert I try fails (except these beet muffins – yum!). So when I came across a recipe for a simple, raw vegan brownie bite recipe, I jumped at it. I made some slight adaptations to the version I found online, and both Sasha and I love the result! These have five ingredients – raw cashews, organic honey, pitted/chopped dates, coconut oil, and unsweetened cocoa powder. They take five minutes to prepare (minus recommended refrigeration time) – and they are healthy-ish (no refined sugars!). Perfect tiny snack to fill your sweet tooth cravings!


Ingredients: 1 cup of plain cashews, 1 cup of pitted or chopped dates, 1/4 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder, 1.5 tablespoons of coconut oil, 2 teaspoons of honey


Step 1: Add 1 cup of raw, unsalted cashews to your blender and pulse until finely chopped


Step 2: Add pitted or chopped dates to cashew powder and pulse until completely mixed (should get kind of solid)


Step 3: Add 1/4 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder


Step 4: Add 1.5 tablespoons of coconut oil and 2 teaspoons of honey to the blended mixture – may have to stir with spoon vs. blend (depending on how strong your blender is!)


Step 5: Lay down stick-free parchment paper or aluminum foil and make into small brownie bites


Optional (but I recommend) Step 6: Add to fridge for an hour so the coconut oil hardens – then enjoy!


If you try them, let me know how they turn out!