
Snapshots by Ailee Petrovic


Week in Review

Happy Monday! For those of you in Houston, I hope you survived the crazy storm that hit the state of Texas on Saturday. I had to postpone three family photo sessions due to the inclement weather, which is not ideal, but it may just have been a blessing in disguise, because I was able to catch up on editing, emails, house cleaning, ‘thank you’ cards, and DIY projects, like making one of Isla’s Halloween costumes.

Unfortunately, all of the rain caused Sasha’s boat to flood. It was stored at his parent’s beach house in Tiki Island (outside of Galveston), and it couldn’t handle all of the water. Sasha is very upset about it (he had planned on selling it soon) – hopefully we can salvage the engine before having to get it disposed of. 

Besides the intense weather, we had a fun (and quick!) week. I finally weaned Isla (I know think it was just me who couldn’t do it before – more to come on this later!), and she impressed us by learning one new word or animal sound a day. Our friends told us that all of a sudden, they’ll know a heap of words, but we didn’t fully understand this until now. She says: Duck, turkey, bear, bee, owl, bird, “nana” (banana), “nack” (snack), apple, cheese, “nigh-nigh” (night night), thank you, no way, no (all too often!), book, ball, baby, bubbles, “bankie” (blanket), binkie, one, “mo” (more), Belle, Dada, Tata, Deda, Baba, Mimi, Papa, Nana, Mama and Mummy. She will use sign language for: More, all done, one and where, but her favorite thing in the world is to make animal noises for: Sheep, horses, dogs, cats, monkeys, lions, fish, and elephants. The latter is definitely my favorite. If you don’t have the Peek-a-boo Barn app on the iPhone, get it!

Some other highlights of our week include:

  • Photographing Veronika’s (Veronika’s Blushing) sweet new baby boy, Lincoln. I will be sharing my favorites this week! 
  • Taking fashion blogger photos for Lauren Mills of Sunday Beach Blog, Elly Brown of Uptown with Elly Brown, Jessica of Feather Thread and Destiny of Truly Destiny. These four ladies are so gorgeous – I love photographing them!
  • Taking family photos for my friend Esther’s friend, Rima, outside of the Menil Collection on Friday (prior to the downpour all weekend!). Their son, Saul, was too cute!
  • Photographing two extremely attractive (and fit!) models at a Define shoot. I definitely went to the gym on Wednesday night! Ha.
  • Taking newborn photos for my friend, Annemarie. Her daughter was born very prematurely, so she’s three months old, but really just a newborn! 
  • Taking product photographs for Willow Crowns‘ winter collection – the bows, clips and headbands are seriously too cute. I am obsessed! The launch isn’t too far away.
  • Going to Lifetime with Sasha (he is a member at 24 Hour Fitness) – I love when he uses my guest pass, and we get to be together!
  • Taking swim class at Dad’s Club. Isla enjoys the Mommy and Me class so much and is so confident in the water. She’s a fish!
  • Eating at two of our favorite spots: Ruggles Green and Garbanzos, and trying a salad bar restaurant that is less than a mile from our house – Sweet Tomatoes – that we’ve never gone to before!
  • Getting visits from the grandparents (except my mom, who is in Colorado). Isla is lucky to have everyone so close!
  • Going to a surprise birthday dinner for our friend Aaron at Benjys on Washington – the food there is incredible. It’s definitely one of my top three favorite restaurants in Houston. You must go and have to eat the Brussels sprouts!
  • Making a cotton candy costume for a Halloween party this week, and then ordering another from Carter’s for Saturday. 
  • Shopping the amazing 40% off Gap sale with code ‘BOO’ – I did a little damage, but I have a Gap card now, so there are future benefits!
  • Finally buying two day Australian Open tickets for our visit in January. Sasha is very, very excited.
  • Splashing around in the rain with Isla’s new pink Hunter Boots – I have some in grey (but wish they were pink!). She loves the rain!
  • Finding fun skeleton flamingos for our yard – you can buy them here

Are you on Snapchat? If you are, then follow me @aileepetrovic, and I’ll follow back! I ‘snap’ most of my highlights, so you can see them real time.


Week in Review

Hello, Monday. I am so not ready for you. Where are these weeks going – or maybe just the weekends? To put my feelings about today into perspective: I’m currently drinking a cup of caffeinated coffee, which rarely happens these days (typically opt for decaf if I can). I’m very, very sleepy.

Besides being tired from a busy weekend, I’m feeling exceptionally grateful as I look back at the photos taken over the past week. We got to see some of our closest friends who live out of town, play tourist in our own city, eat at some of our favorite restaurants and celebrate a good friend’s birthday. This past week was definitely one of my favorites. Some of the highlights include:

  • Going to our third Rising Tide Society meeting (held at Ecclesia), and heard some useful tips from a local lawyer about contracts. I am drawing mine up now! I’m learning quickly how important they are!
  • Taking Isla to The Water Wall in the Galleria area for the first time. She absolutely was beside herself. All of the water and mist. She was so confused at first, then ran around and around in circles squealing. 
  • Seeing my guest post on Say Yes to Happy here! I’m honored that Julie asked me to writer for her blog! I chose to share details about my blogging journey.
  • Eating a family lunch at True Food Kitchen on Sunday and meeting an Instagram friend who was eating right across from us! 
  • Taking family photos at Centennial Gardens on Saturday with the most dapper little man! I can’t wait to share some of the photos.
  • Shooting maternity photos for a partner at my former company’s wife at Brazos Bend State Park. Sophie looks amazing!
  • Taking Isla for a fun play date at our neighborhood park. She is fearless and will just step off the platform onto a slide. It scares me to death!
  • Going to swim class at Dad’s Club. Isla is a fish. She loves it so much!
  • Having lunch with my sweet friend Joy at Dish Society on Wednesday and catching up on our endeavors. She is such a mover and shaker. I love it!
  • Taking Isla to the Houston Polo Club to see her favorite animal face to face. Her reaction made me tear up. She was so incredibly excited and kept walking around with her arms out, neighing.
  • Shooting Jaclyn at River Oaks District with some colorful backgrounds! 
  • Getting to catch up with our friends, Andrew and Diane, who will be moving to Texas next year, and I am so excited. I love them!!! Andrew and I spent the summer today frolicking around Paris (blog here), and he’s one of my favorite people in the entire world.
  • Taking newborn photos of adorable baby Annie. Her mom was my sorority sister at Texas (both Thetas!), and I hadn’t seen her in entirely too long. I am anxious to share more photos form the shoot!
  • Going to my friend Danielle’s baby shower. Her daughter, Nora, is three months older than Isla, and is a hoot. She has so much personality, and all I want to do is squeeze her cheeks. I am very ready to meet Baby Girl Goates #2!
  • Eating dinner at Rosie’s Carabbas. The Insalata Fiorucci is my favorite salad in the city, so you know it’s a good week when I get to include it in my highlight reel!
  • Shooting some of my favorite fashion bloggers – Destiny and Lilly at CityCentre. They are both GORGEOUS, and I love their styles.
  • Having my older sister Karine over for dinner on Tuesday and getting to catch up with her over a glass of bubbly!
  • Celebrating my friend Kristen‘s birthday at The Shack in Cypress on Friday. I loved getting to meet some of her other friends. She is such a sweet, sweet person, and I’m so grateful for our new friendship.
  • Allowing Isla to have a donut in honor of National Dessert Day and being healthy again (12 days of medicine were probably more rough on me than her!).

P.S. My blog will resume its (hopefully) exciting, creative content when I figure out how to manage a family, photography business (editing takes so much time!) and a blog. Sorry for slacking lately!


Week in Review

Another week flew by, putting us that much closer to Thanksgiving and Christmas, and perhaps even more excitedly: our Australia trip. I need to start planning things! All I’ve figured out is our flights and accommodation.

Like I mentioned last week, family photo season is in full swing, so my weekends have suddenly revolve around sessions, which is really fun (albeit a tad exhausting). Sasha and Isla are my biggest fans though, and I’m so grateful that he is so good with her and does ‘Daddy Duty’ magnificently when I’m gone for bed routine. 

The only low point from the week was Isla developing a rash over her whole body (most prominent on her legs). You can see it in the pumpkin painting photos below. It looked pretty severe, but the rash associated with Roseola shows up as the virus is dying off, so hopefully it’s gone quickly and she’s completely healed!

On a more positive note, some of the highlights from this week include:

  • Attending a polo game at the Houston Polo Club with other Houston bloggers (organized by the lovely Alice of The Lonestar Looking Glass). I only there briefly, but got to stomp the divots and have a champagne toast, so it was worth it! 
  • Dining at a new restaurant near our house, Bramble, with our good friends, Erin and Matt, for a double date night on Saturday. They ordered the biggest shank of meat I have ever seen, but thankfully my delicious veggie plate kept me distracted! 
  • Photographing fashion bloggers – Alex of Adored by AlexDestiny of Truly Destiny and Lauren of Sunday Beach – all three ladies are gorgeous and seriously so sweet. I’m so inspired by their outfits too! This was a bad shopping week (sorry, Sasha!).
  • Taking headshots for my friend Kristen at Highland Village and River Oaks District. She’s in the Rice MBA program and will graduate in May. She’s a serious #GIRLBOSS in training! We took some serious LinkedIn photos, then had to grab a few with more colorful walls.
  • Spending Saturday morning outside at the newly finished Buffalo Bayou Trails – specifically Lost Lake and the Johnny Steele Dog Park. We spent most of the day playing inside though, as sun exposure heightened Isla’s rash.
  • Photographing a few families at Menil CollectionTerry Hershey ParkCentennial Gardens and Lost Lake. I’m going to do a roundup post soon with some of my favorite family photos that I’ve taken so far! My weekends are completely booked through November 15 now, but I’m still free on many weeknights and any date after the 15th. Visit Snapshots by Ailee Petrovic and email me if you’re interested in booking a family session!
  • Navigating pumpkins at St. Luke’s pumpkin patch with our friends, Lindsey and Hollis, and then lunch at Tiny Boxwood’s (seriously so delicious!). We haven’t seen them in ages, so it was nice to catch up!
  • Visiting Texas Art Supply to buy some supplies for upcoming newborn sessions and colorful boards for photos (many of the #SAMTcolorfuldays photos are taken with them!).
  • Very briefly running into Megan on her birthday as I was leaving the gym, and she was going to birthday lunch with her hubs!
  • Celebrating Sasha’s relatives’ Slava at their house and getting to catch up with his family. 
  • Mingling with the neighbors on our street for our National Night Out block party on Tuesday! We know almost all of our neighbors and love them.
  • Having a toddler skate date with Megan and Macy at Dairy Ashford Roller Rink – Isla definitely just scooted around on her bike and pushed a baby doll and stroller she found (all toys were common property!). It was really fun though.
  • Finishing My Paris Dream (a great read for all Paris/fashion lovers!) and moving onto 99 Problems but a Baby Ain’t One by none other than Meg (above).
  • Visiting Glenwood Cemetry to see the tombstone of Sasha’s uncle who passed away earlier this year. It was very emotional seeing a Starbucks cup full by his cross – he was a regular and the baristas all knew his order.
  • Eating dinner on Friday at Adair Kitchen (heavenly baked brie!) and running into one of Sasha’s closest friends from high school!
  • Very briefly running into Megan on her birthday as I was leaving the gym and she was going to birthday lunch with her hubs!
  • Having a bubble bath party in the wading pool outside – Isla loves it so much, and I figured our days of doing outside swims were limited! We also painted pumpkins in the same pool, which was really fun (for both of us!).
  • Watching American Sniper on Friday night and then crying for a solid hour after. One of my close high school friends died in Afghanistan, and I literally cannot watch this tribute video without ugly crying. 

How was your week? What were your highlights?

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The Armes’ Anniversary Shoot

Ailee_Petrovic_151004_4B3A1862-2On Sunday, I met up with two of my favorites for a romantic photoshoot at Brazos Bend State Park. Philip and Sydney were celebrating their two year wedding anniversary the following day, and I had the best time capturing the blatantly obvious adoration they have for each other. Philip is such a romantic – I will never forget him calling me shortly after he met Sydney (at one of my best friend’s weddings) and saying to me, “She is the one I’m going to marry.” He was right! And I’m so glad they met, because I love Sydney to pieces. She is a ball of positive energy and is such a sweet friend.

Simply put – they were the easiest couple ever to shoot. They’re basically both models, and I was goo-goo eyesing (yup, coining that) every photo while editing it at midnight on Sunday (these things cannot wait). Aren’t they gorgeous?? Eat your heart out.

PS If you want holiday card photos taken, visit my website and email me quickly! I only have one weekend day available until Thanksgiving, but lots of weekday availability! 


Introducing Baby Jack

Ailee_Petrovic_150929_4B3A0759-2On Tuesday, I got to meet the cutest little newborn named Jack. His mom, Katie, asked me to take his baby photos at their gorgeous house unknowing that we have a few mutual friends in common – the world is so small! I’m grateful that she asked me, because Jack is adorable and I’m glad I got to photograph these special early days. 

Today I am sharing a few of my favorite photos from the session! Isn’t he a doll? Plus, his nursery decor is perfect!