Sweet Emilia is now seven months old – just five short months away from her first birthday (oh heavens). We celebrated her yesterday despite heavy hearts, as Sasha went to my parent’s house (they are in Colorado) to assess the damage from the flood and found 4+ feet of water covering their entire first floor. It was devastating to see (lots of tears shed), but fortunately, he was able to get into the house the day before and move some valuables up to higher shelves/cabinets or to the second floor. So grateful for my brave husband.

One of my most-favorite people replied to a photo I sent yesterday, saying, “Those pictures make me so sad BUT it’s just things and a house!!! Just thankful everyone’s okay.” I had been told similar things throughout the day, but when I read it from her, I let it sink in. It really is true. Lots of memories tied up in the house and valuables ruined, but so long as nobody is hurt, that’s all that matters. And must I say, praise the Lord for the rays of sunshine he sent yesterday, just hours after Sasha left the house. The damage across the city is so overwhelming, but the response from Houstonians (and those who have traveled here to help) is absolutely amazing.

Anyway, I digress. Seven month old Emi Girl. Well, I may be a tad biased, but she is the sweetest little thing. Her crawling has picked up speed since last month (now going forward! ha), and her new thing is to pull herself up on any and everything to stand. More often than not, she ends up face-planting after being up for a minute or two, so we’ve had quite a lot of tears lately. Hopefully she becomes better at getting herself back down (very, very) soon.

Emi loves to eat –  if you put her in the high chair and take more than 0.24 seconds to get food on her tray, hanger takes over. You will get baby-yelled at. She eats bananas, strawberries, Mum-Mums, banana pancakes, hummus, black beans, Annie’s Macaroni and Cheese Shells – Sasha even gave her a slice of pizza the other day (a little extreme, maybe). She is a humongously messy babe, and often requires a bath rinse after a meal.

She is growing quickly – now in all 6-12 month clothing. Her hair is coming in really fair, her eyes are staying blue, her gummy smile is showing no signs of teeth, and her joy is truly contagious. Lucky, lucky us.

Emi at 1 month // Emi at 2 months // Emi at 3 and 4 months // Emi at 5 and 6 months

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