Yesterday afternoon, the girls and I met up with Meredith and Elizabeth at Froberg’s Farm to pick strawberries. Growing up in Scotland, we would always pick berries with my Granny Jill, and I have such fond memories doing this together. It was my first time to visit Froberg’s (Elizabeth’s idea!), and I loved it. We arrived at 3:30pm and were warned of few pickings left for the day; however, Isla managed to scrounge almost 4 pounds of berries in her white bucket! She was relentless. Granted, they weren’t all ripe, but she got a lot that were and they were so delicious. Miss Emilia preferred to taste test the trampled ones that had fallen on the paths – yikes. All eyes on the toddler! Ha.

Looking forward to getting out and doing more fun activities like this with the girls – having a solid walker makes these trips so much easier!!

PS My dress is only $44! I love it – so breezy and comfortable.

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