Last week was a whirlwind – I could hardly keep all of the parent orientations, meet-the-teachers and PTA meetings straight (three evenings out in a row – I felt like I was 22 again, ha!). We definitely felt ready to start on Monday! Over the weekend, we hung out with Sasha’s and my sides of the family, which was really nice. We ate dinner with Ivana, Bob, Milly and included Sydney, Philip and Cam to our ‘Pizza Friday’ tradition. Sasha is all upset with me for breaking tradition to get my favorite Adair Kitchen Black Bean Patty and Super Food Bowl, but cravings are cravings, right? The next day, we swam at Noah’s Ark pool, which the girls all loved. That night,  we had our niece and nephew (Sasha’s cousin’s kiddos) over – we played, ate burgers and watched Jumanji (only slightly horrified to find out at the end that it’s PG13). On Sunday, we went to church then catch up on some errands before having  big family dinner at our house with my family. Vieng Thai for the win. If you haven’t eaten from there, it’s a MUST.

I didn’t take many personal photos last week, but I DID update my Artifact Uprising photo books – I finished a March through May one and have a few pages left in the June through August one. They updated their editing tool and ohmygosh, I am obsessed. It’s so much easier to use. Hallelujah! I had two shoots throughout the week, and I also focused on planning family photo sessions. All my Saturdays are booked, but if you’re interested, you can check out my availability here.

We made lots of progress with the house, which I’ll share soon. I am loving these final stages, where big things happen that are visible vs. electrical wiring and plumbing, which are behind the scenes!

I hope your week is off to a great start. We had a rocky morning, but the rest of the day was all uphill. Praying we have smooth sailing through Sunday, when Isla and I leave for our Disney Cruise. Cannot wait!

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