Next week is Halloween, can you even handle that?! We left a cuteheads holiday shoot on Friday, and Isla asked me (rather distraught), “Mommy, did we miss Halloween?” Ha. I love how Halloween quickly gives way to Thanksgiving, then my favorite of all – Christmas, then New Year, then Emi’s birthday then Georgie is due. I’m clearly ready for that day to be here already. My bump may not be huge, but I feel like I’m about to pass out every time I tie my laces and feel out of breath doing the simplest of tasks! It hits you early during your third pregnancy!

The past week was a whirlwind filled with house advancements (A new garage! A Container Store closet! all lights installed! Appliances installed! Wall paint completed!), but also some setbacks like the pool tile distributor messing up our order which sets the pool back 8 weeks (ugh). Highs and lows! The girls had a great week with school, lunch with Meredith and Miss Piper June,  aforementioned cuteheads shoot, a little Semple family photo shoot, and client family/senior photos. The rain has been a big debbie downer, but I’m optimistic we’ve got sunny skies somewhere near!

I hope you have a great week! PS the photos below were taken of Emi in a dark nursery (brightened by editing) immediately post nap and her hair is a mess and she’s got biker shorts on but I love her in her natural wild state so much!

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