The first draft of this post had “Happy First Birthday, Emilia!” as the title. The photos all have file names “Emi First Birthday Photos XYZ.” I am clearly in denial that my baby (soon-to-be middle child!) is two years old. I want to freeze time to let her sing to me and tell me stories in her sweet little voice all day long.

Her favorite song is Happy Birthday to You! She also loves Twinkle Twinkle and the Finger Family (seriously…). She knows her ABCs, but her favorite part is “Now I know my ABCs, next time won’t you sing with me?” She gets to the end, yells, “YAY!” then claps for herself proudly. She can count to 20, but will most often get to about 13 then yell, “POOP!” because it makes her sister laugh, and therefore, she thinks it’s the best joke ever.

Emi is a mama’s girl through and through… exhaustingly so at times (or almost always these days!). It will be interesting to see how she adjusts to Georgie’s arrival because she adores babies (she has about 13 baby dolls, but still that’s not enough! Ha!) but is very demanding of my attention. She still wants me to hold her all day every day. By the time I get to the top of the stairs carrying her now, I feel like I’ve just run a marathon.

She loves matching her sister, which makes Isla’s hand-me-downs semi-irrelevant (but she wears them anyway!). She is not recognized around the house for her amazing ability to share (especially when the item is snatched from her from her big sis!), but if she retaliates at all, she is very quick to say, “SOWWY!”

Emi wakes up around 6:45 with a loud, “MAMA! EMI HUNGY! MAMA! EMI EAT WAFFLES!” or “MAMA! MAMEE! MAMO! WHERE ARE YOU!?” She must eat right away – and I can’t even toast the waffle because she’s that “hungy” that she needs it frozen. Strange but true!

She loves playing with baby dolls, coloring (on my furniture – it’s her specialty), riding her Strider bike, watching Umizoomi or Super Why, and playing hide and seek with her sister. She calls Isla “Iwa” unless she’s yelling for her, in which case she says, “SEESTER!”

Emi is strong-willed but gentle. She loves to snuggle more than anything. Isla was never a snuggly toddler, so it’s a big change for us. She lets me carry her like a baby, and when I do, she immediately says, “GOO GOO GA GA!” Pray for us with this next baby, y’all. Ha!

She is most often called Emi, but when she’s in trouble, it’s always Emilia. Her other nicknames are Emilia Bedilia, Emi Girl, and The Goose. When she’s on the run, it’s “THE GOOSE IS LOOSE!”

Emi loves picking out which shoes she is going to wear, which is basically why they never match her outfit. She loves all boots and tragically, these Paw Patrol Crocs that Sasha bought (and I need to hide).

I love her to pieces and kiss her cheeks all day long. Despite moments of extreme toddler-ness, she’s as sweet as they come, all huggy and kissy, and melts me every time she says, “I WUV YOU, MAMA.”

I took some photos of her this past weekend at Centennial Gardens. I love that I captured her playfulness, sense of wonder, and even her cheesy, cheesy smile. Happy second birthday to my baby!

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