Alternative title: “Georgie at one, two and three months because she is my third child and no timely updates should ever be expected ever again.”

Besides being very late in doing a monthly blog post – not that I think any reader was sitting at the edge of their seat waiting for it, more for my own guilt! – I feel like Miss Georgie Girl has fit into our life like a perfect puzzle piece and we’re now in our groove of life with three.

Being a family of five is my favorite thing ever. Georgie is one smiley, talkative, giggly little love, and we’re so blessed by her. The first three months don’t even necessarily have milestones, per se, other than “spit up on my shoulder 1,310 times this month” or “went through a record breaking 15 diapers in one day!” But this past month, she started to laugh, was consistently smiley – especially when I get her in the morning – and has started to enjoy tummy time. We’re following the Moms on Call schedule as much as we can with her older sisters’ schedule, and she’s doing well. She typically eats early 3 hours, starting around 5-6am with a final feed around 8pm. We’re working to stretch that out just a bittttt further, but I am not anxious to get rid of that early morning feed just yet. I love getting to start my day with a sweet snuggle. She had a lonnnnng period of “witching hours” from 8-11pm, and I’m so glad that is over (lasted almost 6 weeks!). She eats so quickly – much faster than her big sisters (normally 5-10 minutes max vs. Isla’s 45 minutes!). She absolutely loves when she sing to her, but is consistently put to sleep while listening to Hillsong during the day. Her Achilles Heel is definitely the car seat. She is not a huge fan, but if I can get her to take the pacifier, we’re normally good to go.

I weighed her at Ivana’s house on Friday, and she was just under 12 pounds (7 ounces less than her little body-building cousin, Stefan!). Her head is average sized, which means she is definitely not Sasha’s child, ha! We absolutely adore her to pieces.

She’s going to go from never being on an airplane to taking four flights within 72 hours next week, as we’re flying to Oklahoma City for 30 hour trip then back to Houston, then to Durango. So prayers for uneventful travel much appreciated!

Month Three

Month Two

Month One


  1. Hi, very positive post!
    He reminded me of the time when my daughter was the same age. The main thing is to understand that since it had been not easy to deal with children at their early ages, your efforts will be rewarded a thousand times. Therefore, you should appreciate such moments, and it is better to even store them in albums, videos or in the phone’s memory.

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