My last ‘Georgie monthly update’ was at three months, and a lot has happened since May 5! Thankfully, I’ve taken notes each month of milestones as she’s hit them (i.e. inconsistent sleep, eating but not ingesting, sitting but also toppling over – ha!). My Granny Jill wrote me a letter a few weeks ago reminding me the importance of tracking the events of each child, so I was motivated to share what she’s been up to for the past four months.

Four, Five, Six and Seven Months

Four Months: Georgie’s big ‘firsts’ included traveling on an airplane, rolling front-to-back + back-to-front (considered putting ankle weights on to prevent this – ha!), sleeping 12 consecutive hours (but not consistently!), three outfit changes in one day (blowout queen!) + going for a ‘swim’ in a pool. Her smiles were out in full force this month, and she started laughing very frequently!

Five Months: At five months, we noticed that Georgie was growing like a weed! Her long skinny legs developed these amazing knee wrinkles (which fortunately haven’t gone away!). She started putting herself to sleep consistently using a pacifier (Nuk Sensitive for the win!) and her pink-headed Lulla doll. She still enjoyed being swaddled tight at night, but spent most of her day cooing. She didn’t love being in a carseat, but fortunately has gotten over that now that we’re in carpool season. She was worn almost every single day in her Solly wrap!

Six Months: During her sixth month, Georgie fell in love with her reflection + I fell even more in love with her, ha! She made us laugh all day long and made (will, still makes!) strangers smile wherever we go. She began working on sitting up and eating solids (we do Baby Led Weaning) but really didn’t ingest much of anything! She took her seventh and eighth flights at six months old and fortunately didn’t cry on either!

Seven Months: This past month has been a big one for our Georgie Girl. She started Mother’s Day Out, went for two half days and I decided over the weekend to keep sweet girl at home with me for now. It was a hard decision – I toiled over and prayed about it a lot and that is what I think is best for our family right now. So I get to keep my sidekick 24/7(ish). She is sitting up more steadily, but still can’t be trusted not to topple over at any given moment. She spends a lot of her day up on all fours, rocking back and forth, thinking hard about crawling. Georgie’s pincer grasp is getting better, so she’s able to get more solid food to her mouth (actually swallowing it is a whole other story, but we had better luck today!). She is still napping three times a day (around 9-10am, 12-2pm and 4-5pm). She thinks her big sisters are truly hysterical. Anything they do throws her into a fit of giggles. Georgie started to do this shrill, high pitched shriek when she is excited and it’s hilarious but also very… well, shrill! Both Isla and Emilia were late to get teeth, but I can see Georgie’s bottom two teeth under her gums (this explains the recent occurrence of a strong gummy bite down during nursing – ouch!!!).

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