Sweet Georgie Girl, just two months shy of her first birthday! I would tell you that this year has flown by, but last week (Thanksgiving) was the slowest week of my whole life! Emi had the flu, and we weren’t sure that the other girls didn’t, so we were on lockdown mode.

This past month, Georgie has firmly established, “Mumum” as her favorite word, which makes her my favorite. Kidding, but I do love the sound! It’s music to my ears. Ha.

Georgie now navigates all furniture very quickly, but doesn’t stand on her own without support. Her favorite hideout is under my desk. She pulls up on the chairs and is either laughing or pooping! Giggles or grunts to be expected. Her second favorite spot to spend time is the playhouse in our game room. She absolutely loves being on the inside and having me pop my head into the play windows, or to be on the outside and stick her head inside to “find” me. She adores peek-a-boo – it is a sure way to get her to laugh.

Her sisters have been driving her nuts this month, as they still want to hold her, but she just wants to go-go-go. Nonetheless, when they go into her room in the morning to wake her up, she is ALL smiles.

Georgie loves food. She also does the funniest face when she sees her favorites (currently blueberries, black beans and strawberries). She eats any and everything though, which I know is just a stage but I would love it to last forever. She has a clean-ish breakfast and lunch, but dinner is a free for all. She gets to feed herself all the messy foods and adores it.

Georgie now comfortably takes a bottle, but has still only been given maybe six or seven total in her life. It makes me feel better to know that she can be fed though if I have to be away!

Her ‘favorite things’ include splashing in the tub, wriggling when I try to get her dressed, hiding and being found, attempting to eat leaves, getting carried around on my hip, getting ‘raspberries’ on her tummy from her dad, seeing her sisters in the morning, clapping, giving high-fives, and eating shoes (gross!). We couldn’t lover her more!

Below are some 10 month photos I snapped yesterday of my little deer!

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