Georgie is 16 months old now, and it feels weird not to document changes taking place in her life after doing monthly updates for a whole year. I feel like her growth has exploded – physically and verbally – over the past 2 months after she started walking. My mother-in-law had the older two girls for a sleepover last night, so Georgie and I had some quality time together, and we both loved it. We played endless games of hide-and-seek, peek-a-boo, ‘house’ (in the girls’ playhouse) and chase. We went on a walk through the neighborhood, and I snapped a few photos under a neighbor’s crepe myrtle, which I’m sharing below, along with some other photos I’ve taken of her over the last few weeks. She loves tending to and picking flowers – mainly the blooms from my front yard, yikes!

Georgie can now say: Mama, Dada, Baba, Papa, Mimi, Deda, Isla, bye-bye, bubbles, me, hi, Mer-Mer (her mermaid comfort blanket), night-night, neigh, baa, quack, woof, cheese (my favorite!), no no no no and signs for “more!” and “all done!” We’re working actively on “Emi!” but given that her big sis is constantly picking her up when she doesn’t want to be touched, she might just be rebelling! Ha.

She began walking in April and is now in a constant state of running. Typically in the wrong direction! She crawls up on everything and prefers to be sitting on our kitchen island than her highchair (but 99.9% of the time doesn’t have that option – except in the corn-on-the-cob pics below!).

Georgie now has 12 teeth – 4 front on the top, 4 front on the bottom and all four molars (the last just popped through!). She teethes hard – I feel so bad for her when those teeth are popping through because she is clearly in a lot of pain.

She is a mix of Little-Miss-Independent and Mama-Hold-Me! But most often, she is glued to my side. Georgie is down to one nap a day, but will have some quiet time in her crib around dinner time most days (which is a game changer when trying to cook!).

She loves to stack, play with baby dolls and characters and play with playdough (under some serious supervision!). She enjoys dressing up in princess costumes like her sisters and especially loves jewelry and high heeled princess shoes. Georgie loves reading, especially books that involve animal noises. Her favorite foods are blueberries, Van’s vegan blueberry waffles, crackers, yogurt, sweet corn, shredded cheese, banana bread, and broccoli.

It’s amazing to watch kids grow every day. We are so in love with our baby girl! Can’t believe she’ll be a year-and-a-half soon!

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