Happy first of July! I cannot believe we’re in the seventh month of the strangest year ever already. When quarantine began in mid-March, most people believed it would last a few weeks, then the rumors began swirling that we might not even go back to finish the school year (at the end of May!). This seemed completely impossible at the time, but as the weeks of lock-down continued, it soon became clear that we’d be homeschooling for the rest of Isla’s kindergarten year.

Now, all of those thoughts and conversations seem like an eternity ago. Staying at home seems like the new norm! And it’s wild how much has changed in 3.5 months in our family. Most significantly for our family, Georgie learned how to walk and her vocabulary has exploded, and Emilia learned how to swim and ride a bike by herself! Sweet Isla has learned that she really loves going to school, misses her friends like crazy and on a more serious note, her reading has gotten so smooth with nightly reader books.

I have only posted 31 personal photos on Instagram since we started the quarantine, but as you can imagine if you know me at all, I’ve been taking thousands of photos. Alas, below are my favorite 200+ photos (casual, I know!) that I’ve taken during this strange time. If you make it down to the bottom of the gallery, you deserve a reward! While there are so many tragic impacts of COVID-19, I am grateful for the extra time we’ve had as a family (but seriously, let’s not homeschool again in the fall! Ha!).

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