This week, Poppy turned four months old, and we got to celebrate twice, because I thought Tuesday was the 23rd (it was Wednesday!). The girls love singing “Happy birthday!” to their sweet baby – she’s going to have heard it plenty of times by her first birthday! Four months is such a fun age, and I feel like there are actual milestones to report now! I’m also playing catchup on the first three months below (whew, newborn months plus a move put me just a bit behind!).

Last week, Poppy started laughing – it’s not a consistent thing yet, but goodness, I love the sound of those giggles. She has been laughing after bath time, when she’s dressed in her jams – all cute and clean and happy! One of my favorite times of the day. A little tickle on her belly is what gets her giggling!

Poppy still loves nursing, but is finally in a better 3 hour increment (it was hard to get her to go that long before!). When she eats, she will squeeze my finger and I would honestly like her to do that forever and ever, amen. She has no interest in bottles or pacifiers, but fortunately, learned how to put herself to sleep in the crib this month. We got rid of the swaddle last week because she is showing signs of rolling over. She is now sleeping in a Nested Bean sleep sack with her Lulla doll! Her night times still aren’t great, but I do enjoy a little snuggle session with her at night.

Poppy still naps at least once a day in the Solly Wrap – she loves it! She loves her bouncer and watching whatever her sisters are up to. She always has a huge grin on her face when they are dancing! She is very chatty – always cooing, especially when she is alone in her crib. In the last month, Poppy took her first two flights and did so well – she is less thrilled about the carseat though (moments when I really wish she would take a pacifier!). It has been such a joy-filled four months with Poppy in our family.

Poppy at 3 Months

At three months, Poppy was smiling consistently, and the girls LOVED it. Her nickname “Popstar” became official. She moved houses during her third month of life, but was oblivious to it all! She was sleeping in the Dock-a-Tot, swaddled tightly, and she loved it. We didn’t go anywhere without comments on her hair – how thick it was, how long it was and how it stuck straight up! We had multiple people liken her hair to that of Elvis, ha! She still struggled with reflux symptoms, but a probiotic helped a lot.

Poppy at 2 Months

Poppy began smiling during her second month, and we would do anything to get that big grin spread across her face. Her eyes all but disappear when she gives her happiest smile – we love it. I thought, at the time, that she seemed so big in these photos, but looking back two months later, she is just so tiny still! Sweet, sweet girl.

Poppy at 1 Month

Very few milestones occurred during the first month of Poppy’s life, other than receiving 1000 cuddles from her family (and probably having 10 times that many photos taken!). She spent almost all day laying on my chest, sleeping. It was her favorite place to snooze. I miss those days so much already!

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