
Ailee Petrovic


Poppy at 4 Months

This week, Poppy turned four months old, and we got to celebrate twice, because I thought Tuesday was the 23rd (it was Wednesday!). The girls love singing “Happy birthday!” to their sweet baby – she’s going to have heard it plenty of times by her first birthday! Four months is such a fun age, and I feel like there are actual milestones to report now! I’m also playing catchup on the first three months below (whew, newborn months plus a move put me just a bit behind!).

Last week, Poppy started laughing – it’s not a consistent thing yet, but goodness, I love the sound of those giggles. She has been laughing after bath time, when she’s dressed in her jams – all cute and clean and happy! One of my favorite times of the day. A little tickle on her belly is what gets her giggling!

Giving the Gift of LAGOS

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of LAGOS. The opinions and text are all mine. Thank you for supporting the brands my family loves!

It’s almost Mother’s Day, and every year, I am scrambling at the last minute to pick the perfect gift for my mom. If there is one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that you can never go wrong with jewelry. My mom has the most amazing jewelry collection, which her three daughters have been eyeing for years! Some of my favorite pieces of hers are those from LAGOS. Their jewelry is so timeless and elegant. For Mother’s Day this year, I picked out a diamond Caviar bracelet for her – their Caviar beading is the signature design element that is distinct to the LAGOS brand. They have a wide variety of pieces that allow you to mix, match, style and stack the pieces to create your own look. I love how my mom has stacked her bracelets in these photos!

Isla and I were lucky enough to pick out two pieces too. I chose a Caviar diamond ring and Isla chose a beautiful pearl necklace from their Kinder collection (you can see the joy it brought when she put it on in these photos!). LAGOS jewelry transitions easily from day to night and is comfortable to wear for any age. It is truly the perfect gift to make any mother feel extra special and loved this year for Mother’s Day!

Introducing Poppy Alexandra Petrovic

On Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021 at 8:54pm, Poppy Alexandra Petrovic was born, completing our not-so-little family. She is now two weeks old, and I’m not sure where the time has gone. We all love her so much – she will definitely be babied her whole life!  

I wanted to write down her birth story, as I love re-reading her big sisters’ (it’s amazing how quickly you can forget the details!). We woke up early on the 23rd – around 5:30am, with the goal of leaving the house at 6:30am. We left on time and arrived at Memorial Hermann Memorial City at 6:45am. By the time we parked and got to the L&D floor, it was right at 7am. Unfortunately, they didn’t have a room ready for us yet, so we were told to wait and that it wouldn’t be long. Two hours of sitting in the waiting room later (with a quick visit from my doctor, which was nice!), room 18 became available and we got escorted to the room where Poppy would be born. It was a suite, which was nice, but also funny that we finally got one on baby #4 when nobody can visit.

Poppy’s Feminine Blue and Green Nursery

Miss Poppy Alexandra Petrovic was born last Tuesday, and we are absolutely smitten with our littlest love. I am going to share her birth story in the next few days, but in the meantime, I am so excited to share photos of her nursery. It is unbelievable to me that I first posted Georgie’s nursery just over two years ago! Where has time gone?

Before sharing anything, I have to give credit where credit is due – and that is most definitely to my talented and dear friend, Megan Hermis. Her design help with this room was so invaluable – she took a very rough vision and made it come to life, while adding so many elements I could never have dreamed up on my own. I cannot sing Megan’s praises loudly enough! She is a real saint to put up with my 24/7 text messages with questions about our house decor. Thank you, Megan!

Happy Second Birthday, Georgie Margot!

My little spark plug turned two today! Georgie has more personality in her pinky finger than I do in my whole body (and sheer stubbornness too!) – as evidenced by the photos we took this past week. She has learned so much over the past year, but waiting until the count of 3 and tossing confetti are definitely not in her skillset just yet. That and jumping – but watching her attempt is just too cute.

It’s hard to believe that two years have passed since she was placed in my arms at the hospital. There is so much growth in the first two years of life. It amazes me. Just this morning, she got on Emi’s scooter and was riding around the house, yelling, “MAMA, WATCH! DADA, WATCH! WATCH!” Her vocabulary has exploded, as has her agility – she didn’t walk until April! She is a social butterfly, but can also be shy in new situations (that hasn’t happened much since everything shut down in March!). She absolutely loves music and dancing (especially to Party in the USA or doing Ring-Around-the-Roses), loves playing with her “sissies,” making messes (ha, but seriously), and doing everything herself (“Georgie walk! Georgie do it! Georgie brush!”).