Happy Fourth Birthday, Emilia Wilkie!

I just had the best trip down memory lane, looking back at photos from Emi’s third birthday, second birthday, and first birthday! It is incredible how fast life is flying by; however, Emi turning four last Friday felt right. She is about to become a big BIG sister in three weeks after all.

Last Thursday, on her Birthday Eve, we snuck off to snap some photos during Isla’s tennis lesson. She had an absolute blast – dancing and playing peek-a-boo behind her balloons. A million people stopped to tell her happy birthday, and after a bunch of “thank yous,” she started telling people she was a T-Rex who was celebrating her fourth birthday. They’re currently studying dinosaurs at school, so it made sense, but also resulted in a lot of chuckles. She is, by far, the funniest Petrovic – always cracking jokes.