Ohh, these monthly update photos officially became very difficult today – which is great, given that it’s my second to last to do. But how? In less than one month, Miss Georgie Margot will be twelve months old. I am in denial! I think that’s how all of these monthly posts begin though, so to avoid sounding too much like a broken record, I’ll proceed on this month’s milestones.

Georgie flew on four planes during the last month – bringing her total flights to eleven! The flights to and from Colorado were very interesting, given that she is constantly on the go and doesn’t really enjoying sitting still… for many hours at a time. We had delays getting to Durango, which made for lots of peek-a-boo-ing, hand clapping, snack smushing, etc. I pulled out all of the tricks – even tried to convince her to watch Mickey Mouse on an iPad, which she had zero interest in! She took naps in my arms on the way to and from Colorado, which was the first time in ages she had done that – so naturally, I was in heaven.

Georgie Girl ‘cut’ her third tooth this past week – this, coupled with the 11 month separation anxiety, led to lots and lots of time being held by me this month. She continued to love all of the foods I’ve mentioned in previous updates (beans, blueberries, strawberries, broccoli) but added clementines to the list.

During our trip to Colorado, Georgie was faced with the coldest weather of her life to date – and loved it. She was all smiles when out in the freezing cold weather. She didn’t get that from me!

Georgie’s sleep was very on-and-off this month (mainly off… I’m tired!). I’m hoping that she gets back on schedule now that we are back home in Houston. Mama needs some sleep (and coffee).

Georgie’s favorite word is still Mama, but also throws in Dada too. She has this humming noise she does constantly, which the girls LOVE (“She’s singing! She’s singing!”). She claps, waves, and learned to climb stairs while in Durango (nightmare!). She crawls super fast, moves around furniture like a whiz, but can only stand by herself for a few seconds without sitting down and shows no signs of wanting to walk any time soon.

I haven’t started G’s baby book yet – woops! But it’s on my to-do list this month for sure. Third kid problems, for sure. We adore this smiley, sweet, on-the-go nugget of ours.

Previous month updates: One, Two and Three / Four, Five, Six and Seven / Eight / Nine / Ten

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